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Keeping Readers Engaged by Varying Your Words

With any form of written communications, too often, we become fixated towards using particular words and begin to unconsciously develop a mundane, routine style of writing. While this style may be perfectly adequate, over-employing the same words and phrases ultimately weakens your desired impact and does not contribute to personal development.

Listed below are 100 words commonly employed in business and marketing related documents, followed by alternative words for each of the original 100 presented. This list provides a handy, mini-thesaurus which can be referred to in the office, at home or on location.

adequate - satisfactory, sufficient, tolerable, enough

against - opposite to, toward, in disagreement with, in preparation for

also - additionally, and, too, as well, besides, furthermore, moreover

allocate - allot, dispose, place a portion

analysis - breakdown, classification, commentary differentiation, discussion, inquiry, mathematics, separation, theorization, investigation

analyze - breakdown, classify, differentiate, discriminate, discuss, dissect, reason, explain

any - anything, some, every, one

apparent - appearing, probable, visible, plain, evident, clear, obvious

apparently - externally, seemingly, visibly

approach - address, arrive, converge, resemble

approximate - near, relative, similar, approaching

approximately - nearly, virtually

area - location, region, size, space, classify, order, influence, direct, place, group

arrange - classify, order, influence, direct, place, group

assist - help, aid, subsidize, remedy, support, back

assure - affirm, convince, guarantee, make sure, promise, pledge, warrant

basic - underlying, simple, essential, vital, main, chief, essential, fundamental

basis - cause, foundation, justification, motive, premise

bias - deviation, bend, partiality, preference, tendency, influence, prejudice, induration

business - activity, affair, commerce, company, duty, occupation, undertaking, vocation, trade

calculate - compute, measure, plan, figure, tally, determine

capability - ability, preparedness, skill, talent

capital - funds, means, resources, cash, money, assets, property, wealth

chance - gamble, possibility, opportunity, probability, prospect

check v. - audit, compare, examine, monitor, review, investigate, test

choose - desire, select, pick, decide on

collect - assemble, procure, compile, store, join, gather, accumulate

company - association, firm, group, unit, business

contract - agreement, undertaking, promise, pact

control v. - direct, govern, influence, rule, command

copy v. - imitate, duplicate, remake, reproduce; n. - facsimile, carbon, print

decrease - diminish, reduce, subtract, lessen, decline, dwindle

demonstrate - display, explain, cite, check, prove, represent, show, exhibit

denote - indicate, signify, designate

determine - decide, discover, learn, resolve, settle

discuss - confer, debate, analyze, deliberate, consider

exhibit - display, flaunt, illustrate

fact - truth, evidence, information, certainty, reality

fail - neglect, weaken, fall short, decline, insufficient, miss

finally - consequently, eventually, last

get - acquire, become, discover, incur, obtain, receive, take, secure

go - become, depart, extend, move, operate, progress

guidelines - plan, precept, rule

have - experience, permit, possess, receive, own, hold

help - aid, facilitate, serve, subsidize, assist, support, back, encourage

include - combine, comprise, enclose, join, embrace, involve

increase - add to, advance, amplify, develop, multiply, enlarge, extend, prolong

inadequate - incomplete, ineffective, insufficient, unsatisfactory

information - data, figures, report, facts, knowledge

item - commodity, component, part, element

labor - occupation, task, work

list - record, inventory, enumeration, register, roll

literature - written matter, writing, lore

location - place, position, site, spot, area

maintain - defend, presence, retain, support, sustain, keep, continue

make - accomplish, acquire, cause, compel, convert, create, execute, perform, manufacture, produce, form, build, construct

manage - direct, govern, control, handle, lead, pilot, operate, supervise, administer

method - plan, way, system, technique, approach, means

modify - change, diversify, quality, alter, vary, adjust

nation - country, population, community, republic

national - public, universal

normal - average, common, customary, natural, ordinary, typical, healthy, source, whole

number - amount, numeral, sum, total, collection, quantity

objective - intention, will, goal, purpose, commitment, aim

observe - examine, see, watch, notice, witness, regard

obviously - visibly, plainly, clearly, positively, really, certainly, surely, evidently

operate - plot, sum, pilot, act, use, manage

original - basic, causal, fundamental, native, new, preceding

organization n. - association, unit, business, entity, company, firm, corporation

perform - accomplish, execute, produce, achieve

points n. - items, particulars, tips, topics

procure - acquire, induce, purchase, elicit, obtain

produce - accomplish, cause, create, indicate, perform, yield, supply

product - commodity, end product, result, sum, yield, stock

proposal - intention, offer, project, program, scheme

provide - allow, yield, give, supply, furnish, equip

purpose - function, intention, meaning, resolution, object, end, aim

question - issue, puzzle, query, remark, topic, inquiry, interview, ask

rank - classify, judge, align, order, arrange, grade, order, standing

readily - eagerly, easily, willingly, promptly, quickly

reduce - contract, decrease, denote, depress, diminish, shorten, simplify, subdue, lessen

report n. - account, record, document, testimony

represent - delineate, describe, mediate, substitute for, act

resolve - analyze, decide, determine, reconcile, solve, conclude, confirm

resource - capital, skill, reserve, source of supply

review n. - commentary, discussion, examination, narrative, study

scan v. - discuss, examine, judge, re-examine, study, analyze, browse, examine, skim

shift - convert, change, move, remove, deviate, vacillate

solve - explain, resolve, answer, unravel

source - motive, origin, beginning

study v. - consider, discuss, examine, seek

system - nature, order, plan, way

take - acquire, entail, receive, believe, pick, choose, select, remove, lift, win, capture

thus - hence, so, similarly, in this way

trend - course, direction, flow, fashion

ultimate - eventual, final, farthest, top, last

use v. - employ, exploit, deal with, consume, expand

venture n. - investment, undertaking, speculation

work n. - function, effort, labor, task, vocation, position

yield - provide, submit, give, relinquish, supply